Juror Information
1. Term of service is one week unless you are selected on a case that will not be completed within one week. You must remain on jury service until the case is completed.
2. Jurors should dress appropriately.
3. You may bring reading material or "handcrafts" (except scissors, knitting or crochet needles) to enjoy while you are waiting.
4. If you have a situation that will interfere with you serving as juror, call the Jury Manager (217-424-1355) for a scheduled interview with the Macon County Jury Commission otherwise, report for jury duty as indicated on the summons.
5. The Decatur City Parking Lot has free juror parking. Use the entrance on Franklin Street. Enter lot, immediately turn right, go to the last aisle, park at meters on either side of the aisle. Do not pay meter, place the colored juror card that was mailed to you in your front window. Please see the map in the Information Desk section.
6. Entrance to the courthouse is on the Westside only (from Water Street). Please see the map in the Information Desk section.
7. The following items will not be permitted into this facility: Any electronic device capable of video or sound recordings, internet access or communication via voice, text or other means and weapons of any kind.
You may now register for email/texting service. You will need your Juror ID Number and Electronic Signature found on the Summons for Jury Service you received in the mail. Text or email your Juror ID Number to juryduty@court.co.macon.il.us and reply with your electronic signature when prompted. You may also check-in using the Juror Check-In link below.
iJuror Check-In